Page..18. Grace is what is in a gem, evergreen and ever young.

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Sell not the bear's skin before you have caught him.

A will made without wealth is useless.

The tub smells of the wine it holds.

Speech is the gift of all,  thought of a few.

Do not kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

All are praised after they die.

The proof of the pudding lies in its eating. 

A well-fed horse falls his own master.

It is not wise to confide our secrets in street, on roads, nor in the stillness of the night.  Even the walls have ears.

A restive horse needs a sharp spur.

When the crow flies, its tail follows.

Pure air is worth hundred medicines.

High winds blow on high hills.

Let not the tongue cut the throat.


Man-kind is divided into different blood group.  Mankind is also divided into different smell group.  Nose identifies a particular smell. The smell, odor the fragrance of the human body distinguishes him from one another.  In animals also this type of smell identity is found to exist.  In North Pole the pole bear possess similar characteristics.

A pole bear male cohabits with a female of his smell group.  He wanders in search of his companion till it finds her.  Take example of our aboriginal community.  She would prefer an uneducated boy of her community to a foreigner.  Smell and memory are interwoven.  Sense of smell is imprinted in the back seat of the brain.  The nose does it. It identifies that smell. Nose is the all-powerful smelling organ that nature has gifted us.  We know of aroma therapy since the Roman times. 







It takes 800 pounds of rose petals to make one pound of rose oil concentrate.  It takes two hundred thousand jasmine flowers to make one pound of jasmine oil concentrate. The flowers have to be picked early morning before sunshine.

Smell has easy access to the mind.  Smell and memory are inter-woven.  Both have easy access to each other. Hairy armpits and perfumes emit sexual messages.

During Elizabethan England armpit hair was appreciated as courtroom aid. These natural smells used to attract the fair sex to a great extent. They were smell crazy smell driven and smell oriented.  Human smell is his identity. You can trace your man on the basis of his smell.  You have to have practice and art. 



Food odor elicits greater sexual response, more than perfumes. Smell of powdered cinnamon, cardamom, cloves outscored smell of perfumes when experiments were conducted and males were asked to respond to smells and their blood flow was measured. 


A real jewel of Beauty does not need perfumes.  She emits sweet smell from within her.  She is like a musk deer that emits fragrance from its navel.  Despite this to add fuel in the fire, Cleopatra, Queen of the Niles when she received Mark Anthony on her barge, she had ordered her attendants to dip sails of the ship soaked in perfumes.  Perfumes are seduction. They block the mind and influence your decision.  It is a science. Under guidance of an aroma therapist, essential oils are pasted on human skull, forehead, temples scalp to induce a man to sleep soundly.



If sleep does not come, sprinkle some lavender oil on the pillow. Sleep will come soon.

If you are feeling lethargic, you should smell peppermint oil. All your fatigue will evaporate in no time.

The aroma of baking bread will straight away lead us to the kitchen.  A whiff of an after shave lotion can bring a tired mind to a romantic one.  Our sense of smell is at work all the time. We do not perceive it. A bad smell will immediately divert our attention. It stinks. We move away.

Rare jewel of beauty has all such characteristics.

She is natural sweet and smelling like rose. The cheeks get flushed with redness of roses.  She would be good for anybody. A man expects a woman to handle him with love care and attention. He becomes her slave. She is a feast for male eyes.  It is a crime to be a woman in male dominated society. She has many restrictions, conditions limitation. She can not smile lest it might be termed as come on sign.  She can not afford to be alone in the house. She can not move around in the house in scantily dressed clothes. Many peeping Toms are waiting to see her from their peepholes.  She has to take bath when no one is around. She can not announce her bath rituals.  She has to do it secretly. She takes bath before sunrise or in the late night when all have gone to sleep. Many keep awake to have a glimpse of the naked pose. They stand on their one foot to have a glimpse of her frame.


Boys are cowards. They lack courage.

They can not come near and express their desire. They stand far off and pass all sorts of dirty remarks about her. What a shame it is to be a woman!

The very idea of rigid male flesh tearing entering her choking the throat, thrusting inside is a crime against humanity.



You have to make love with patience. She has to be aroused. He must not smell of garlic or other such smell. He must be clean from all point of view.


We see lechers dead drunk in cafes, with heavy eyes sitting watching the waitress passing by with tray of food as she bends to put the dishes on the table and straighten again and move to another table. The waitresses keep a stern face. Inside, they shudder with fear.  The world is an evil place for all womankind-rich or poor. The hounds are always moving to catch the prey. 


Many girls are working in rich fashion-houses.  They link them to the glory of the rich and high dignitaries.  They would never see such costly clothes for themselves in their life. They live in hope they will have better days and enjoy such amenities of life. Life would have been worthless without hopes and dreams. There are certain fixed norms of life.

There are two stages, richness and poverty.

Such norms have to be crossed before entering next stage of life. After crossing to the next stage, life is not as easy as it appears. You have to constantly struggle to retain it.

All that glitters is not gold. They have their own problems and worries. In short life is a struggle at its every stage.

Be prepared for the struggle.

You have to meet the challenge.


Height:    Five Eight.

Weight:   Hundred Twenty.

Bust Size: Thirty-six thirty and thirty four

That is the internationally accepted size of the world beauty.






This is the standard length width and volume of the world beauty. If you had a piece like that you had everything.  You do not need anything further.

There was no other piece made like her plus or minus.  Statistics gave way in her case.

Statistics evaporate before a real stuff.

Eye-catching is the appropriate word.

A glimpse of her and the mind forgets all logic and statistics. Beauty is expected to be looked past the person. You have to stand on your feet to understand what made the face so significant.  The eyes were so symmetrically placed in the sockets that they conveyed meaning beyond meaning. The lip moulds tempt to trace them with finger as if the touch would reveal the mystery. The smile is magic, maddening, arresting, and enchanting. You agree to everything she says in awe of her presence.

You can not afford to disagree to anything. That is her strength, her power.

She is aware of it. She has mastered this art. Something the way the bones lay beneath her skin tells that she was not meant for earthly beings. She is a damsel of the heaven lost her way, and found on earth. She has many offers. She does not commit.   She observes, measures each and all. Lot of temptations and traps are arranged to get her.  She majestically outsmarts them all. She likes to hear people praising her for her beauty.   She likes to hear people describing her charm, personality, her voice and her everything.  She is keen to hear them praise her. She wants to hear these words again and again.

She is not satisfied. She is dying to hear her praises. It is a craving from within her.  She longs for more proof of her beauty than anyone has credited her so far.





Her mind is engaged in understanding what other people see in her when they looked at her. She likes to hear about herself. She likes to hear what others say about her.  She is sharp and businesslike. She is tall and striking looking. 

She spends hours to look presentable and create the desired effect on you. She has to dress according to the occasion. She appears soft and gentle at first sight.   She can rightly guess what is behind your small mind.

You have to credit her for this quality to judge you.

She anticipates your move, yet she watches you like a hawk to compare notes.  She is far more careful, shrewd, calculated, far sighted than she got credit for.  She foresees and anticipates events. We are stuff less to recognize her ability.  Her mind is constantly engaged in observing what is on-going. She is never idle for a second. Her voice is not trained by a coach. It is God’s gift. When she speaks it looks as if bells were ringing. It has a hint of sweetness. It creates a climate around her of maddening far off music chimes ringing in your ears. She sits down on a low chair wherefrom all her movement is seen favorably. It is her stage. She is acting, playing her role on a stage. She crosses her legs with deliberate care as if the action is meant to be seen by all. She carelessly lets her robe fall open high on her thighs. All this appears casual to our eyes, but is well practiced and planned beforehand to create an image. When she comes out of the bath, her hair and the head is wrapped like a turban of a towel with the same color of the robe she is wearing to create an effect. All these are her surroundings. They are her introduction. Her entrance has not to be wasted. It is for an effect. She radiates a sort of physical animal attraction that blinds us.





It was Saturday Night. Saturday Night is lover’s night.

For the first time such a jewel got recognition.

Such a beauty was seen either on the screen or in a chorus or in a cultural dance festival.

Seeing such a live wire, up close, all answers come instantly. Everything is easy between twenty and twenty-four.  In some countries after crossing twenty-four she is termed as an old cow, old hag. On their twenty fourth-birth day, they are ready to kill themselves.

The real gem is soft and gentle inside and outside, nor forward nor shy nor aggressive.

All eyes watched her as she came to the floor after the door opened.

All sort of murmurs were heard.

“You think she is a model?” There were questions asked among the diners.

“She moves like one. She has all the trappings of a queen.”

“A movie star?”  “How come we do not know her?” An atmosphere of surprise had formed. Suspense prevailed in the atmosphere of the dining hall.

They walked forward.  The headwaiter rushed to greet them.

She had a royal majestic get up as would blind anyone who tried to look at her.

She was in a simple white dress. Her hair fell up to her shoulders almost touching the skin. She was unaware of the effect, of her coming to this unknown place.








She made her entry in Sea Rock hotel at a late hour with him.  It is a favorite joint in Malibu for the big cannons of Hollywood filmdom trade circle.  It is their privilege to dine there. It gave creeks in their necks to all weekend rovers who happened to be present there. There was something about her.  All eyes came out of their sockets.

The atmosphere stood still.  All were spell bound, eager to see what happened next. Their necks got twisted, in following their gaze, for her journey from the door to the sitting spot.  There was suspense about who she was. All were eager to know wherefrom she came and where she belonged. All had eyeful of entertainment at a chance to view a live beauty. She was unaware of the impact she had on the entire atmosphere and on the faces of the hungry males.  The ladies sitting had turned their vision elsewhere out of jealousy. To them the evening was lost. The attention of males got riveted to the new one.  They had lost their importance for the time being. They were pigmies today.  A fairy had just landed there from heaven. The headwaiter was no fool. He was on his feet.  He had rushed to them. He escorted them. He led them to a corner table reserved for last minute VIPs.

Mild sea waves of the Pacific touched the window. She had engrossed herself in viewing the waves and some yachts passing by. Drinks tray was rushed to them. After some time, she selected her food without any fuss. She was not happy with her way of selecting the menu. Either she relied on the choice of the waiter or she gambled. After she had ordered, she was inclined to hope that item was exhausted in the kitchen for she could order the smelling item her neighbor was enjoying.

She concentrated in finishing her dinner.





She involved herself in mild answers to his questions. There was no serious talk except mild chit chatting on anything and everything.  She was oblivious to the atmosphere of the dining hall.

The atmosphere of the dining hall was charged with thrill suspense.

An electric current had passed through the dining hall. All were absorbed in viewing a motion picture. No one left their seat, all stick to their seat like glue.

Light music filled the room. The food was good. Time was good. View was good.

Atmosphere was light. Music was in full swing. All were engrossed in watching.

Time stood still. Some tried the headwaiter to know her identity.

Some asked their friend circle members by gestures to ascertain who she was.

All were intrigued how come they did not know her. It was their business to know all the good stuff in the vicinity. Good stuff is for them. It is their monopoly.


It is a practice to send greetings and love declaration for each other.  "I belong to you and only to you till death do us part.” all that sentimental stuff.

You have to go on doing the drill. It is the only way to climb the steps of the ladder of love.

The drill has to be never ending. It is a continuous process. You should be watering the love plant regularly. It is a constant continuous process involving routine. Such routine has importance to them in their lives. Your endearing and witty remarks are judged. It is a general pattern and can be applied to any particular one selected for this purpose to be the future partner. Stares, smiles comparison, touch hand, touch hugs, caress, kiss, kind word, kind glance, stolen glance, stolen stare, accidental body touch are vital pre-requisites of long and everlasting union with her.



Sudden phone call, sudden e-mail, sudden visit sudden telegram, sudden flowers, everything sudden and unexpected and out of way so as to attract her attention all the time all the while. Buy flowers, buy gifts, buy books, buy tickets for concert movies and cultural programs. Keep her busy.

Keep her engrossed in you. Do not give her time to think. Bestow constant attention.

Address her with all big names and begin with all big salutation. Shout her loud as  “Princess!” in a crowd and al that childish tricks. She will be yours in no time.  Check up beforehand that she is not preoccupied or reserved elsewhere. Ascertain her interest in you. Check up, whether she is interested, and she is free.

“Are stars not out today?”

“What a pity!”

“Can stars be in the House?”

“It has to be in the Sky”

“For all to see them.”

All such stuff will get you to her.

Dream up all sorts of stories wild ideas and jokes and dreams you had about her and all that stuff. She really likes it. She wants to hear all sort of non-sense about her. She craves for it.  She likes to hear all sorts of probable and improbable stories. She likes to fly with them.

You have to be a good storyteller to win a fair heart. She likes to be pampered and compared with the moon and the stars and the fairies and the legends. She is moving with the characters of the story. That is her weakness. Flattery thy name is her.  She is so fond of hearing about her that she moves with every sentence. She is all ears to hear about her.









Let us go back to our jewel. She is about to finish her food.  He is involved in seeing the scenery of the place.

After taking her own time she leisurely finished the dinner.

He summoned the headwaiter and thanked him, called for the bill.  The headwaiter stood ready to draw chair. She majestically rose up .She thanked the headwaiter and exchanged few words with him.

She glanced around to survey the scenery. She glanced at the entire floor in general.

Then she left for the door from her table. She walked with slow steps.

It was a sight to see them leaving the crowded dining hall.

It was an atmosphere of pain and heavy heart for all of them when they left the place.

The staff opened the door.  They left in the silver Merc. 600.

She idly watched the passing beach cottages that ran along the Pacific Coastal Highway. Most of the beach houses were summer hide-outs of the big-wigs of the Hollywood fraternity.  They were second homes, summer homes of the affluent.


Light breeze was blowing. The journey from the hotel to the complex was pleasant.

He:  “Here we are !” ‘Are you OK?”

She remained calm but gave him a hearty smile. 

He took her to their office.

He had placed her in the apartment two floors above in the complex.

She had expected him to visit her in evening for last one week. The lift was on the other side. It was convenient to use the steps. They used to exchange the customary good night etc. She would climb the steps to her room. Her ears were anxious to hear a knock on her door every evening last one week.







She had extra sharpness to know the movement of his steps. From three floors she could feel the main door of the lobby open and close. Each time the door opened she would go to her door and begin to count the footsteps.

There were sixteen steps. Then there was a flat lobby. Again sixteen steps. Again there was a flat lobby. Again there were sixteen steps to reach to her place. It would take 48 climbing steps and three  flat stops to lead her to her place. Sometimes the sound of the footsteps would stop at the first landing. Sometimes it would continue up to the second. She was expecting it to end at the third landing. She could tell if someone was climbing stairs or walking on the lobby rather the corridor. She could tell from the sound whether some one was ascending or descending the stairs. The descending steps would be fast light and easy as compared to slow heavy and hard steps when one climbed the stairs. Female steps sounded light slow as compared to heavy thuds of male visitors. When she was in the office, she could tell from the rhythm of his steps that he was coming. Practice makes one perfect in any field. His shoe-steps made a hard click tick, tick like thud when he walked. She liked to fix her ears which were trained to every nuance.  The steps stopped at his office. She tried to keep the excitement out of herself.


She tidied herself at her table. She did not want to alarm him. She opened the door to his private office. He was seated behind his desk, his face weary and tired.

She:     “Hey! What is the matter with you?

He smiled:   “The day has been hectic. We have been so busy. I had not the time to ask.”

He:       “Are you happy?”

She:     “Yes. Very.” “Very much happy.”

He:       “I am glad.”




He wished her good night. He busied himself with the files. He said he would leave soon.

She climbed the stairs to her room to retire for the night. It had been a long night.

She checked her make up. She blew her dress.

He had taken her out for dinner today after their association of about a month.

For the last month or so she had her lunch at the downstairs restaurant.

Or, her dinner was served in her room.  Or. She had to just order the restaurant downstairs of the complex for anything including breakfast in her room.

This was their first outing and first dinner at a known restaurant. This had happened after she had been to work for him for about a month. He was the famous prize winning writer of Santa Barbara California. They happened to meet in Salzburg in Austria at a public function.  She was on her dance-cultural tour to Vienna, Austria.  She was intrigued at the way he had engaged her services to help him to finish his book on her terms and conditions. She was asked to accompany him on his world tour. This had happened about a month back. They were presently in California on a flying visit to his homeland. They happened to take a chance to dine at Sea Rock for dinner by impulse on a tip from a cabdriver that good food was its specialty. The author was already aware of the joint and as a last minute venture they had happened to stumble into the Sea Rock.








After bidding him Good Night she left. She waved him bye!  She went upstairs in her room.  She had hoped he would leave for home for the night.

She leisurely changed herself humming soft tune and was moving around.

She was about to go for her bath when she felt she heard some activity down floors.

She had a sudden premonition.  She felt he was near her. Yet he was far from her. Both had not melted in each other. Both were still strangers to each other.  She heard noise in the office below.

It was almost late.  She was confused at first, thinking it was an office night, somebody might have come for something. Her sixth sense or premonition came to her help.

But then she predicted he might be still there working.

She reached for her robe and went down to check up. There was light on his floor. She peeped in the office. To her surprise he was at his table, as if it were regular office time doing some work.

She:       “You ought to be getting to your home.” You are tired.” “You look exhausted.”

He:       “Home! You said! This has been my home these days. I just sleep in that other place. He pointed to the divan in the corner.”

He:       “This is where I sleep.”

She:      “I.... I don’t understand.”

She:      “How can that be?”

She:        “Why don’t you go to your  home?”    

She:      “Any problem there?”

He:        “Of course you would not understand. I would not expect you to understand  also.”

She:      “I never knew you passed nights here.” She:      “Always?”

He:        “Not always.  Mostly. I do stay overnight when I have a busy schedule next morning.”

He:       “You know how we are short of time. We have to finish the book.”



She:    “Tomorrow is a normal day.”

She:    “It is not a busy day!”

He:      “You are young. You are too beautiful. You don’t have to worry about me.”

He picked an ivory penknife and toyed with it.

She drew a deep breath. She steadied herself to fight off the current she felt.


Whenever she was with him, It seemed all her plans were slipping. All her resolutions  were melting. She felt she was crossing the delicate line.  He got to his feet. He looked at her. He was staring at her wide-eyed, surprised at himself for the first time in his life. He looked straight in her eyes.

He said:   “I will be alright. Now you go and have a night’s beauty sleep. Tomorrow we have a busy day.”

She stood in the doorway staring at him.  This was for the first time in a month that they happened to talk such an intimate subject in first person.  Both had happened to stand side by side for hours together discussing the plot of the novel or she pointing out some flow in the situation outlined by him. The work was tiring and exhausting. She was

preparing notes, drafts, redrafts, final print for his approval. At the end of the day she was drained of  her energy and strength leaving her consumed and used up hardly able for other activity.  This was their first outing after her stay at the apartment. The light in the office room was facing her. She was standing in the doorway.

The maxi robe she was wearing revealed more than it concealed. He could see she was flushed and worried. He could not follow what was all this about.  He knew she had run down on the spur of the moment. She on her part felt her heart pounding like a hammer below her thin fabric.




She burst out:

She:    “I feel worried about you.”

She:    “I want to help you.” She shrugged, her shoulders hunched.

He:      “Do not worry. I will be alright.”

He replied in a toneless voice. He turned to look at her. There was a flash message in her eyes which he could not decipher. On her part her head was spinning, standing in the doorframe. Her eyes were actually drowned in his stare.


She felt a sort of tremor in her legs.  She steadied herself with the support of the door. No words came to her lips. She was speechless. She stared blankly at him.

He:     “Is there anything wrong? May I help you?”

She:   “No. I am alright.”   She went on fiddling with the door knob.

It took a great effort for her to utter the few words.  Suddenly she turned and left towards the stairs to her room. She was not aware that he had come after her. He caught her in the doorway upstairs. Warmth of his hand on her shoulder came through the thin dress.

He: “I knew it would lead to this.”

He: “So I kept a tight lip so far.”

She looked back into his face. She saw anguish in his eyes.  She was overwhelmed with a sort of weakness in her legs.  She would have fallen had he not taken her in his arms.

He:  “Are you afraid?”

She: “No.”  She whispered.

He:   “Then what is it?”

She looked down. She did not speak. His warmth was radiating into fire inside her.

He:   “Tell me.”   He urged her shaking her holding her tight against him. She looked up at him. There were tears in her eyes.


She:  “I can’t.” “Leave me alone.”

He:    “You can.  You can.”  He was very firm in his approach. He said insistently.

He:    “I know what you feel. You feel the same what I have been feeling for the past one month. I can not sleep without your dreams. I can not rest without you feeling close to me. I see you day and night in my mind, in my thoughts. At the

back of my mind you have been firmly seated there.”

She:   “No.  No.  It is not right.”

She:   “Don’t say more.”

She:   “Do not spoil our friendship.”

He:     “I love you. I love you.  I have always loved you from the day you stepped in my office.”

He:     “I did not want to be entangled.”

He:     “I tried to overpower my feelings. But it is all futile. Today the dam of sentiment and feeling got burst up.”

He:      “I have no shame. I confess. I am in love with you.”


His hands held her. He took her in his arms. He fondled her face hair and the back.

He held her tightly against him for quite a while.  She stared up into his eyes. She felt his face coming closer and closer.  His mouth pressed down on hers. She had her eyes closed down. She was trembling on account of some new sentiments for him. She was melting in him. Abruptly she tore herself free from his embrace. She ran into the room. She climbed the stairs. He also climbed the stairs. He stepped in after her. He shut the door with his heels. He caught her from her shoulders and turned her towards him.

She had her hands on her face controlling tears and her face was red flushed.





He looked at her steadily for a while. Both stood together. I knew I would make you cry, we should not have gone out together. I knew it would lead to this. Let us make it clear about our feelings for each other. Either you love me or you don’t. You have to choose today.

He:   “You love me. Say it.”

There were tears in his eyes. Tears were overflowing his cheeks.

There was no reply. He was about to give her up and turn about.

She:   “I too love you.” She said in a meek voice.

She:   “I think I fell in love from the first day I met you.”


She:   “I had not the courage to admit it.”


He guided her to the bed. They sat on the edge of the bed. She sat bolt upright; hands folded in her lap one inside the other palms up as she examined the lines in her palms like some palm reader. He sat far from her as much far as the bed would allow. His eyes were still moist. After their outbursts both were amazed at their confession of love for each other. She felt cheap and without pride.

After the first outburst he had wanted to run from her as if to hide. Now he had composed himself. On her part she had managed to smooth her face into a mask empty of expression. But still he was unable to look at her or speak anything like in his normal voice. She presumed he was not in the habit of tears. Most men were that way.

She watched his hand pat her knee. She too patted his hand. After a moment he took his hand off her knee, slid it around her and pulled her to him. His tongue tasted salty.




She felt relaxed and lay back on the bed wondering whether anybody would be curious to watch them both together in her room at a late night. She stared hard at the window. In the darkness of the room she felt she was floating. As if she and the window of her room were free objects, the window was free, not attached to the wall. Both were objects on space tour. 


They had not spoken at all for some time. There was no need of further words. Both had admitted about their feeling. Both were comfortable with each other. There was no pretense between them. They had no impression to make between them. There was no scope of game to play between them. 


After they had kissed for quite a while, he had taken off her robe and freed her breasts from the minimal bra she wore.  The tight breasts had longed to be released from captivity. The breasts rose from the restraint and the nipples leaped forward.

His hands went up to her breasts. It was a sweet pain when he lightly squeezed the tips of her nipples. She had never felt such sweet agony. She was overwhelmed with unknown sentiments and a desire to surrender herself to him without any terms and conditions.

A shiver of ecstasy ran through her. She almost fell.

She:  “Please don’t.”

She whispered in a murmur her lips responding.

She:   “It is wrong.”

He picked her up and gestured her to lie down. She sat still. She did not move. At last, after some effort, he made her lie down. He knelt besides her. He took an inordinately long time. She felt stirring of desire. Her nipples had grown so hard like cherries.  She cried out of ecstasy.





She:   “Do stop. This is not right.” “It is all wrong.”

He:     “Nothing is wrong when a man and woman in love do it.”

He:    “There is nothing to be shy about it. All do it. This is an act of Nature.”

Her lips parted of its own accord.  His tongue sneaked in between the open lips.

She felt her blood had turned into molten fire in her veins as it pumped hot and fast through the veins pounding in the ears. Words were not spoken. This was an unspoken union. Both had been silent. She felt his fingers run up and down her thighs.

He wanted to take her and wanted to tell her so.


Words circled in his mind but he was not able to push them past his dry throat. He wanted her fully and completely.

The need to do this rocked through his blood. He wanted this woman wrapped in his arms forever. Truth be known he never wanted to let her go.

She trembled at the feel of his intimate hot breath.

His lips pressed more urgently against hers.  Her breath was shallow, she felt short of air.

His arms slipped around her slender waist. His heart thudded loud and fasts in his chest, in his ears. She moaned softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her palms in his hair. Her breath was short, her heart raced like thunder.

His arms loosened.  Her knees buckled. There was tightness in her stomach. Not her stomach. It was in the lower part below the stomach. There was tightness in a place she had never allowed anyone to ever see or touch there. Today she felt different. She wanted him to see and touch that forbidden place. She felt hot there. She felt moist there. She felt an ache there.




She felt it opening. She felt wet there. Every time he played with the nipples, muscles between the thighs pulsated with yearning she could not understand but she continued to feel experience it. The very thought of his touching there was embarrassing. It was very much exciting. His hips hard and strong pressed into her demanding she reciprocate the long hard need. She sighed. Her sigh was pure yearning as she arched back against him and smiled. She felt good in his arms. She felt as if she experienced some unknown pleasure. His hand opened moving over her thigh. He stroked his way down and down up to the destination. Her head was swimming.  She saw him bent over her busily caressing her. She had a glimpse of his nude frame.


His strokes were long upward and circular and then downward. He pressed it in two sides with a roughness that excited her.  He caressed her wildly. She had tensed. His hand stilled. The long slow intimate touch of the fingers was electric. A charged current shuddered through her veins. She did not know what was happening.

If she had felt her knees watery before, it was nothing compared to how they felt now.

She let her legs part until her feet stretched to the corners of the bed.

She opened her legs still wider to relax. All her tiredness and fatigue had long gone.

He had located the source of her pleasure. He concentrated there.

She felt better than any woman had ever felt before. She felt warm wet and wonderful.

He stroked and caressed her now intimately gently like a feather touch.

She moaned. Her back arched. Her hips moved forward of its own accord.




He had to have her now and there. The muscles in his arms and legs were tight with tension. The need to take the next step was urgent. The moist velvety skin in her body was an enticement unto itself as he caressed her.  Her spine went rigid. A gasp of shock whispered past her mouth. She experienced some intrusion was taking place. It did not occur to her to ask him to stop. She was all with him.  She wanted him to finish the task.

She wanted to feel him.  She wanted this man and only him and nothing else.

She sighed breathlessly both her mind and body ready for it. Her body ached and yearned for his visit. Her breaths rushed in shallow way through her lungs.


Her heart was pounding. She wanted to be one with him, melt in him forever. She needed more and more. Her hips arched forward encircling him towards her. Sudden sharp jolting waves seemed to attack her from inside. The body twitched and stretched as if electrified. She felt as if something alien had taken possession of her groins. He was awaiting her response. She squeezed his hands within her all the way. He lay within her for a while. Then it got restless. She felt terrible heat and strength and power. She reached into the darkness and held his body pulling him down on her crushing his chest into her breasts. Her legs wrapped around his. She could feel his body bunch and thrust. She rubbed her palms up and down his back as if never to let him escape from her hold.

She could hear his short breaths. She realized she too was panting gasping with the intensity of the act. She could hear herself moaning. It looked as if she was listening to some other woman’s moaning. Hot wheels of light began to appear in her eyelids.





She felt a cave open up inside her. She felt herself expanding like a balloon a bottomless immensity in which stars were shining and wind was howling. He saw the whole Universe originating from within her. Her body seemed to flare up in a spasm of heat. Her teeth sank in his shoulders. His flesh tasted salty.


He had filled her fully and completely. Her private part also played its role. It stood to the occasion. Both were engaged in the fiercest battle of life and death. The climax rocked through her body. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she felt herself shudder after shudder and waves of spasms rocked her entire body in an unknown way.


Both remained in each other’s embrace for quite a while.  Both were breathless. Both were drained of energy.  At last both got separated and slept side by side for the night in sound slumber.  It seemed as though night had really fallen on them.  At about early morning she separated herself from his embrace and ran to the bathroom. She then prepared coffee. He grumbled in a state of half sleep and half wakefulness. He stretched himself to his full length. He turned himself to feel for her.  She was gone. His eyes opened now in full wondering where she was. He quieted as he heard her moving around in the other room. His hand automatically groped on the nightstand for the room light. He got up and looked at her through the door to the room. Her half-nude frame was recently bathed. A small rivulet of water dripped from her locks. She mopped her hair. She was unaware of the impact she made on him.






He loved to watch her dress and at the same time she looked after the boiling pot. She had balanced a foot on a stool and stretched her leg and rolled her stockings and slipped into her blouse and skirt with effortless grace. Then she stood before the mirror combing her hair not acknowledging that she knew his eyes were on her back. With determined abruptness she faced him.

She: “Good Morning! Want a cup of coffee? It is steaming hot.

He: “ You,” he had murmured almost. He took one step and took her in the arms like a skilled lover. He kissed her savagely. Without allowing the kiss to be disturbed, he undid the zip of the blouse. Together still, joined, they staggered to the bed. He stopped kissing. He made her lie down. He leisurely took out the blouse and the bra. It was a never ending love game. It lasted for hours. It did not turn out to be a quickie as hoped.




After that, both had coffee together. She poured fresh hot coffee in the cups. Pride kept them silent. She was one of the kindest creatures on the earth. He then tidied himself and left for the downstairs office. He had a busy day ahead. He was a changed man. Their life changed outright. Both were substitute of each other’s follies and shortcomings.

People said many things about  him.

No one could say that he was not handsome.

He was tall slender and graceful. 

He had a sort of an animal type of grace that attracted

the ladies despite their unwillingness to involve in any relationship.  He had a seductive youthfulness.   He was a flatterer.  He had the inborn quality to make out tales after tales

which the ladies liked to hear him narrate again and again.




He often wondered how people swallowed  his crap, and how he managed to escape himself unchallenged.  He simply had no idea.  It was luck or his instinct to make the right acquaintance at the right time, and make exit at the right time.   His gestures were

calculated with mathematical precision and his every smile wink handshake were well rehearsed.  He had the neck to find out the families who would be useful.

She felt deep pity for him

She saw him as a helpless captive in the hands of  religion.

She also felt something else.  She could not explain.  It was an impulse but she experienced a physical need to touch him.  This urge was so strong that when she spoke to him,

She pat him on his hand or put her hand on his thigh etc.  Such innocent gestures very deeply kept him disturbed.

Something really tangible happened.   He had finished his routine work and was about to retire to his place.   She crossed the path and stood invitingly mocking.

She was absorbed in her game but at ease as she had seen  him completing his outdoor job and returning on break for rest and lunch.  She laid her hand on his shoulder dragging him near

as if she intended to reveal a secret. 


He  listened.  Both, thereafter, with their hands entangled, departed towards his room on the top of the mansion.  His hand came to rest on her shoulder.   It moved down her back.  She felt it went still deeper. She had a jittering of her body unknown to her.  It came with an intensity which she never knew it was possible.   It had lasted about a minute. It was total. It was so full and all-encompassing that it had an effect of an explosion she felt for all the time, she had lived and of all the years yet to be lived.

Now she was certain God existed.  Now she could die without regret.